What is coaching and is it for you?

What is coaching?

Coaching is a partnership between you, the client, and me.  The process takes you from where you are to where you want to be.  As a coach, I will help you investigate the present and help you design the future you want.  We work on helping you to cross that chasm. 

I have no agenda or preconceived desired outcome of the process.  I follow your lead.  I believe all of the answers already are inside of you.  I ask empowering questions to help us uncover and discover them.  I can be your accountability partner if you already know where you want to go and need to check in with someone.  

We can work on clarifying goals and help you maintain the energy and motivation to attain those goals. The process will help you to be more autonomous and self-reliant.  This will enable you to achieve your goals and live a values-based life.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy, mentoring or consulting? 

Coaching is not Therapy.  

Therapy can look into your younger life and talk about potential reasons you are why you are today.  Coaching starts from here and goes forward. Often times a person goes to therapy to move away from past pains and traumas.  Coaching is about moving toward something new and better.

Coaching is not mentoring.

A mentor is a person you hire to show you the path they took to get to where they currently are.  They will tell you what trainings they took, what books they read,  and, perhaps, introduce you to their network, etc.  It’s an “If you want what I have, do as I did” philosophy.  

Coaching is not consulting.

A consultant is a person you pay to tell you what to do.  You ask them a question or give them a problem to investigate, they research it and give you their opinions on what you should do.

What are the benefits of coaching to individuals and organizations?

For the individual, coaching can help uncover hidden passions, goals and dreams.  Coaching can unblock obstacles that have block the energy to move forward. This can result in a more satisfying and meaningful life.  These changes are felt in all areas of the client’s life, including physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

For the organization, it helps greatly with job satisfaction and retention.  It shows commitment to the employee’s development as a worker and as a person outside of work. It can prevent the loss of institutional knowledge to competitors and a lengthy and costly recruitment process.

What happens when you hire me as your coach?

Together, we will decide how often to meet and by what method – in person (when it’s safe again), phone or video, etc.  You state the outcomes you desire to reach by the end of the sessions , and we begin working toward those goals.